Pastors In Titus 1: 5-9

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In Titus 1:5-9, Paul simple explains what God expects of those who will lead his people here on earth. Pastors must be an example in character not just words. It is imperative that he is a man with godly commitments and is faithful to the church, his wife, and children. A pastor must also be a man of good conduct and understand the need of a good reputation. For this is necessary in building a balance life that will allow one to walk worthy according to God’s will. Lastly, a pastor must be a man of Godly character and convictions. He must be devoted to the truth, diligent to teaching and preaching the gospel with passion and take no part in conflict. For the glory of God and the good of his people, his life must match his belief. Moreover, what he believes will connect with how he lives. Then he will be a leader worth trusting. Then he will be a leader worth following. It is my desire to please God and I am committed to live by the fundamentals qualities of a pastor as outlined in Titus 1:5-9.

The scripture Peter 5:1-4 is reminding the elders to take charge, shepherd the flock and younger men will follow you. The Apostle Peter does not command be he exhorts and shows a great deal of humility. Humility is one of my strengths as a pastor. I believe it is also important that the elders and pastors are ready to feed …show more content…

As the governing boards, both the pastor and deacons must be on one accord with the pastor leading and all other existing ministries and auxiliaries following. Prayer is a vital way that a deacon can support his pastor and always creating a spirit of unity in the church. This is vital because it is not the pastors job to do everything. The pastors job is to set an order that pleases God. By doing this with the aid of the holy spirit and living according to Titus 1:5-9, 1 Peter 5:1-4, and 2 Peter 1:3-11 he will promote spiritual growth throughout the congregation and