Critically Ill Patient Analysis Framework

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1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT Care of critically ill patient in the ward is a challenging process especially in the low resource countries. This is due to deficiency/ inadequate specialized or competent skilled personnels and absence of monitoring of patients closely. As the nurses are in constant contact with patients, they are in prime position to identifying problems at an early stage with the use of systematic patient assessment According to the standard of care, systematic assessment framework is used to assess critically ill patient for rapid assessment of the patient who is deteriorating. and also use early warning tools (EWS) as an observation monitoring tool that alert nurses to normal and abnormal physiological parameters. The ABCDE framework is used in conjunction with the Early Warning Score tool for assessing critically ill patient (Lees & Hughes, 2009). In Mnazi Mmoja Hospital setting nurse always keep seriously ill patient near to nurses station for the purpose of close observation and monitoring of vital signs. However nurses sorting the …show more content…

Dependent variable is care of critically ill patient while indipended variables are knowledge, practice of nurses and challenges of nurses on care critically ill patient in the ward. But here the researcher can base more on looking on knowledge and practice of nurses , if nurses is competent on assess by using ABCDE ie assess patient air way, breathing and circulation, and identify problem and able to intervene so these is help on maintain patient safety and lead quality care of critically ill patients. Also if nurses have knowledge of interpreting vital signs these can help nurses to identify patient who is deteriorating and intervene earlier, literatures show that nurses not only know to measure vital signs but also must interpret vital signs and act on

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