Patient Care Conference 72 Hour Reflection Report

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Patient Care Conference 72 Hour Reflection
What went well?
At the beginning of this shift, we listened to the report from the night shift nurse and went over the patient chart to get some information about the patient who we were going to be interacting with. We also went over DSM-5 about depression and took notes about expected findings we might see on this patient. Then we were ready to interact with the patient. The patient was in his room, so I asked a nurse technician to direct the patient to stay in the day room for a while. We started to assess the patient when he was walking to the day room. We engaged in about ten minutes of conversation with the patient and got some information including suicidal ideation assessment. After the conversation, we also noticed how the patient interacted with staff and other patients.
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The main thing I learned was that not all of patients with major depressive disorder have the same symptoms, so interventions should be individualized and be consistent when different nurses take care of a patient. The hand-off report provides consistent care plan when changing shifts. I also learned how to make a quick and complete assessment on patients within a limited time and find out expected or unexpected findings. I am also more comfortable to talk to patients with mental illness.
What would you recommend to future students regarding completing this assignment?
I would recommend getting patient’s information as much as you can, such as from computer chart, physical chart, nurses who take of the patient for a longer period. Carefully observe the patient before interacting. Prepare what questions you are going to ask this patient. After interacting with the patient, compare the chart with patient’s statement to find out what is consistent or what is not consistent. Then set realistic goals for this patient.
What would you change in how you completed this

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