Patient Empowerment In Health Care

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Patient empowerment:
Patient empowerment in the global pictures is seen as a part of the human side of care. It is time consuming and sits uncomfortably with strong pressures towards greater efficiency. The outcome is satisfying, with mutual trust and confidence are established. Being a Malaysian I am proud to say that Malaysia Ministry of Health, had strongly support patient empowerment and community to be responsible for their health. It is believed that, regulations and enforcement activities are the tools to facilitate and enhanced individuals and the communities towards self empowerment. The Malaysian communities are encouraged to participate together with the support from NGOs and it is seen as an important element in health empowerment. Empowerment is considered as a health enhancing process.
WHO defines empowerment as a process of patient taking control over decisions and actions affecting their own health management. There are four components of fundamental on the process of patient empowerment. This is, patient need to have the understanding on their roles, gaining sufficient knowledge, skills and presences of facilitating environment (Isabelle et al. 2007).
Empowerment is a multidimensional process that helps individuals to gain control and take charge of their lives, as they themselves define as important (Funnell, et al. 2003). Patient empowerment is now been used as a keyword in health care industries as it emphasis on active decision making by the patients.