Paul Laurence Dunbar's 'We War The Mask'

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Paul Laurence Dunbar's "We Wear the Mask" is set in the iambic tetrameter where it follows the pattern of unstressed and stressed syllables: "We wear the mask that grins and lies, [emphasis added]" (808). While following this meter, the poem utilizes the image of a mask as a metaphor for a facade. Dunbar uses a rhyme scheme in his poem; however, it is not consistent due to the final line of each stanza interrupting the rhythm: "Why should the world be over-wise, / In counting all our tears and sighs? / Nay, we let them only see us, while / We wear the mask." (808). It's because of the aforementioned rhyme scheme that the interruption is all the more powerful, and allows the message to reach the reader. Dunbar is clever