Paul Revere And His Life Away From The War Analysis

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This Piece is about Probably one of the most important and well known people in the American Revolutionary war. This piece will be talking about all the ups and downs of Paul Revere’s life. Paul Revere and Lexington and Concord American Leaders Samuel Adams and John Handcock were known to be hiding at Lexington. Paul Revere and William Dawes, needed to go warn them that the British were making a Departure. The Boston Patriots were preparing for the British military for quite some time. Paul Revere most famous for this, people called it the midnight ride. The reason why we remember this event is Henry Longfellow's poem the midnight ride. Paul Revere needed to go and warn all of the people in Lexington not just Samuel Adams and John Hadcock. Paul Revere did his ride April 18 1775. Lexington was the …show more content…

This event is so important because the British Soldiers were having people throw things at them and hurting them the people were very frustrated with the king orders. The only reason why England did Stamp Act this very disgraceful act to the colonists is because England was in very low Depth ( Depth means they did not have any money) Paul Revere and His Life, Away From the War ^^Paul Revere Paul Revere was a SilverSmith. A silversmith is a person who works with types of metals. Paul Revere was one of the people who made paper money. After the war, Paul Revere made tons of money making copper bottoms for boats. Paul Revere was also a merchant, a merchant is a person who sells food and goods to people. Paul Revere died May 10, 1818 he was a very wealthy person from selling things and being a silversmith. Thank you for reading my informational writing piece, this man Paul Revere will always be remembered as one of the greatest Americans who have ever lived. And one of the people who brought us freedom to the