Gender Disparity In The Workplace

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Literature review 2.1 Introduction Discrimination is still rampant in the world which exists between the majority and minority groups. Minority group is subjected to the discrimination and majority group discriminates. Due to the presence of this discrimination, the quality of life of construction workers has also been significantly lower. Many economists often relate this form of discrimination to a situation in which equally capable persons are treated unequally on the basis of certain irrelevant factors. Also, some notable differences are also seen between different agents of the labor market. These differences are often seen in the outcomes of men, women, whites, blacks and Hispanics. One of the renowned economists Becker made a central …show more content…

However, a study on the construction workers noted that the pay gap has been declining continuously over the last 30 years (Joshi et al., 2007; Harkness, 2005). For full-time employment, the gap at the lower end of the pay distribution has declined more rapidly than at other parts of the distribution. However, these positive changes are accompanied by some which are less positive. It should be noted that the decline has been confined to the full-time pay gap. The part-time pay gap (part-time women v full-time men) has been fairly constant. An outcome of this is that the pay gap between women working full-time and women working part-time has widened over the past 30 years (Manning and Petrongolo, 2004; …show more content…

They experience higher risk of all forms of disability than the general workforce and this risk increases with their age and with longer duration of work. Old workers are in the higher risk of suffering from occupational disability. (al A. e.) Similarly, higher hearing deficiencies, lung diseases, increased body mass index and musculoskeletal malfunction were seen among the construction workers at the baseline exam. In addition, construction workers showed 3 to 8 fold higher chances of suffering from disability than the general workers. (al A. e.) Also, retired construction workers showed lower health status than the workers of the other field. They also reported many problems associated with vision, neck and shoulders, knees, hips, ankles, joints and wrists. (al L. e., 2006) Moreover, some Swedish construction workers participated in health examinations between 1971 and 1992. A study was conducted among these workers and it showed that the workers who work as roofers, insulators and rock workers experienced higher age adjusted rate of disability. (Jarvholm, 2005). This is due to the continuous exposure of the workers to the negative physical working