
Pearl Harbor Persuasive Essay

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World War ll was one of the deadliest and most widespread conflicts in history. It involved the majority of the world's nations, and it is estimated that around 70 million people died as a result. The United States' entry into the war is often attributed to the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor by Japan on December 7th, 1941. It led to the United States’ entry in to the World War and ulimately led to the Allies’ victory over the Axis Powers. However, it is reasonable to argue that if Japan never attacked Pearl Harbor, the United States would not have joined the war.
The United States was Isolationist
To begin with, the United States had a policy of Isolationism before the Pearl Harbor attack. This meant they wanted to stay out of any conflicts or wars that did not directly involve them. Its foreign policy was based on the belief that the country should stay out of foreign affairs and focus on its domestic issues. This belief was reflected in the country’s refusal to join the League of Nations, which was created to promote international cooperation and to prevent future wars. President Roosevelt himself was not in favor of getting involved in the war until he felt like he had no other choice. If Japan never attacked Pearl Harbor, the U.S. would have …show more content…

At the time, many Americans were strongly opposed to the idea of entering the war. They remembered the horrifying scenes of World War , they could not reimagine sending their sons and daughters to fight in another World War. If Japan Had not attacked Pearl Harbor, it may be possible that this opposition would have grown even stronger. This would have made it even more difficult for Roosevelt to convince the public and Congress to declare war. Meaning, if Japan had no attacked Pearl Harbor, the United States wouldn’t of had the public support needed to join the

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