Pearl Harbor Research Paper

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December 7th 1941 - Pearl Harbor was being attacked by two waves of planes. Ships were going down, and the planes were too fast. Soon, all that was left was wreckage. That was what happened to make the U.S. join WW II. The damage was done it was time for WWII. Pearl Harbor was the beginning of this disaster.catastrophe. It was December 7th 1941 many of they battle weapons (Planes,Ships) had been taken down and this is how it started. Five midget subs had come in to scout out the area soon after the U.S. captured four of the subs and sank the fifth. Two waves of planes came in the first had given many of the shipyards big blows now, many of the ships are down there seemed as if there was no hope but the Japanese had finally left them be, the battle was furiosos but soon eighteen ships were sunk with five of …show more content…

Just before eight a.m. hundreds of Japanese planes were striking America's navy base in Pearl Harbor some people could hear Commander Mitsuo Fuchida yelling “Tora! Tora! Tora!” meaning that they had caught the U.S. by surprise (Tiger! Tiger! Tiger!). It might of lasted two hours but twenty navy ships were sunk and more than two-thousand soldiers and sailors had died in the attack, and another thousand were wounded the next day after Franklin D. Roosevelt, the president, had declared war on the Japanese. A third fact is the aftermath. Many of the U.S. citizens were outraged, some were hiding away from the reality of life and soon after the bombing when president Franklin roosevelt is conferring with advisor Harry hopkins in his study when navy secretary Frank knox bursts in and announces that Japan had attacked Pearl Harbor. The attack killed more than 2,400 naval and military personnel. Two years later after persuading many U.S. citizens, because of WW|, the effects of the first World War had still lay fresh in the American mind many had said not to do it but soon they decided that it was time for

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