
Pearls To Prison Case Study

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Pearls to Prison
Current research and corresponding literature contends that factors influencing female participation in violent street crime, may stem from factors such as victimization, the use of controlled substances, and other like factors (Baskin & Sommers, 1993). However, these factors may not be limited to female offenders (Baskin & Sommers, 1993). (Meyers, 2015), suggests that psychopathic behavior is not limited to male diagnosis and that women who suffer from psychopathy can represent just as significant of a threat as men. Albeit, situational and environmental factors seem to provide the best explanation for why women engage in violent street crime. To better understand what factors influence women to participate in violent …show more content…

However, (Phillips, Nixon, and Pfefferbaum, 2002) claims that evidence exists and the connection has been proven through data. The aforementioned case study example of “Wendy”, proved a connection in her case, with violence and drug abuse regarding her prior armed robberies. “Heavy involvement as an abuser reduces women’s options to engage in other income-producing endeavors. Therefore illegal activities provide women with opportunities to make enough money to buy drugs” (Baskin & Sommers, 1993). It appears to be obvious that controlled substance often cause abnormal and deviant …show more content…

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