Article Analysis Template For GT Department-Wide Assignment

795 Words4 Pages

PSY 101
Template for GT Department-Wide Assignment
Spring 2018
(worth 42 points)

Name: Arelys Aponte
S#: S02331607
Date: February 19, 2018
Part 1 – Research Article Analysis

Part 1 - Section 1 (Explain an Issue) (250 word minimum)
Directions: Include the in-text citation for your selected article once per question even if there is no quote. No more than 1 quote for the whole section. Make sure to meet the sentence minimum for each question.

1) What topic did the researchers study? (4-7 sentences)
The researchers explored the demographic and comorbidity in males in China. The use of drugs they decided to explore people who are addicted to meth (MDs), people who are addicted to heroin (HDs) and meth and heroin co-dependent drug users. This …show more content…

Once the participants passed the criteria they underwent a two-stage assessment. One was a face to face interviews which were conducted by two groups of four psychiatrists. The interview was to obtain the participant's drug use related conditions and current and their lifetime diagnoses. Each of the participant's psychiatric disorders was then classified as psychiatric disorder or substance-induced psychiatric disorder. In the DSM-IV, the term “independent” or “primary” was used to point out the participant's mental disorders that were not substance-induced or where not due to general medical conditions.They measured their variables by demographic and drug use and lifetime and current prevalence of DSM-IV-TR diagnoses were calculated and presented in cross-tabulations The data was then presented by three groups based on methamphetamine (MDs), heroin-dependent (HDs) and methamphetamine and heroin co-dependent drug users ( Huixi Dong …show more content…

No more than 1 quote for the whole section. Make sure to meet the sentence minimum for each question.

1) What influenced the researchers to study this particular topic? (3-6 sentences) The researchers wanted to help improve the targeted interventions and the diagnostic rates in China. Since the 1980 heroin was, and still remains the most common illicit drug in China. Despite a crackdown on drugs heroin hasn’t been curtailed and there has been an increase in synthetic drugs. Also given the seriousness of the use of heroin it was urgent for them to conduct and completed a report investigating the drug ursers (Huixi Dong 2017).

2) Prior to this research study, what was previously known about this topic? Include findings from previous research (this information is found at the beginning of the article). 6-9
To the researcher's knowledge, their study was the first study that compares the prevalence of DSM-IV-TR axis I disorders in MA-, heroin and co-dependent males in China (Huixi Dong 2017). Although they

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