Substance Abuse And Mental Health Essay

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Substance abuse, physical abuse and mental health are linked together. They have similar symptoms, complicating diagnosis and treatment sometimes. It can be hard to be precise about what is going on with a person. This paper examines three main ideas that are important to me, general health risks, the physical effects of drugs, chaotic and disorganized lifestyles, and lack of access to health care place chemically dependent people at great risk for medical problems, disability and death (Levin, et, al, 2001) pg122. Immune system disorder, causes abnormally low activity or over activity to the immune system. The immune system is a series of structures and bodily mechanism that identify and eliminate foreign substances (Levin, et, al, 2001) pg130. Lastly, prenatal exposure to drugs, prenatal exposure to drugs is a major public health concern because if affects the lives of hundreds of thousands of babies born to …show more content…

If at risk for a mental disorder, abusing alcohol, illegal or prescription drugs may affect your mood and the way you think. Drug use also have effects on those who are around that are not using drugs such as grandparents, coworkers, children. Sometimes grandparents get stick raising their grandchild due to drugs use of their child. Coworkers must pick up where you slacked at or be under staff because you didn’t come to work. Most children have to fin for them self, there might not be anyone to buy clothes, do the laundry, make them a hot meal, nor give them the support they need while growing up which can lead up to mental disorders. Drugs impair physical functioning directly and indirectly (Levin, et, al, 2001). When doing drugs, it causes a change in one performance because of the chemicals from the drug going to your brain. People believe drugs help you relax or escape stress, but drug use is not away to escape problems in my opinion, drugs make the problem