Positive Responses To Peer Observation

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1.3 Research Hypotheses

This study proposes the hypotheses that teachers, who are exposed to peer observation process are more likely to improve in their everyday life. Whereas the other hypothesis proposed is that , teachers who are not exposed to a process of observation, face problems in their professional development.
Additionally, this study makes attempt to respond to questions in finding out the way to enhance teaching and learning via process of peer observation.
Moreover it helps to show the right characteristics of a good Peer Observer as well as cooperative methods and new ways of gaining improvement in teaching and learning English as a second language
During the research the theoretical part is conducted with collection of …show more content…

A considerable literature exists supporting the use of peer observation as a valuable tool for the development of teaching (M. Bell 2001; Hammersley-Fletcher and Orsmond 2005; Kemp and Gosling 2003; MacKinnon 2001; Martin and Double 1995). Recent examples of positive responses to peer observation in a variety of institutions, and not only in the UK, can easily be found (A. Bell and Mladenovic 2008; McMahon et al. 2007; Washer 2006). And yet there have always been some reservations about peer observation. As Peel, (2005: 498) says ‘the potential discomfort of Peer Observation of Teaching should not be underestimated’. Cosh (1998) referred to some ‘concerns’ about ‘the value to the observed, implicit judgments being made, and the effect on students, or the dynamic of teaching, of having observers in the room’ (p175). Cosh raised a more fundamental …show more content…

Firstly , the involvement in the process of Peer Observation was something pretty interesting and new for me. I took it very seriously . I was also interested to know how did the other teachers feel about taking part in the process. So I’ve designed a questionnaire including open ended questions to get informed about the emotional and professional view of my peers.
Secondly,I’ve decided to distribute questionnaires to the teachers involved in the piloting program of peer Observation in Kosova. The great opportunity to have the questionnaires filled out was the third annual conference held at faculty of Education. The distributed copies of questionnaires were dedicated to teachers from five regions to fill in( Ferizaj, Gjilane, Mitrovica, Prishtina and Gjakova) during the “ Reflective Cohort” session. I couldn’t reach the teachers from ( Prizren and Peja) to give the questionnaires. Fortunately teachers form Prizren and Peja and a number of teachers from other regions were interviewed and their answers that I wrote on my notes could be used for analyses later too. The information about the research will be given in details in a later chapter of “Findings and