People Should Be Allowed To Vote

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By the term, ‘people,’ I specifically mean 16 year old as well as well as people in jail. The reason why I believe 16 and 17 year should be allowed to vote is because in society people of this age are treated as if they were adults. This is because in many different societies people of this age are treated as if they are adults, this is shown as at this age you the law permits to do many things. For instance, a person of the age 16 and above is allowed to: consent to sexual relationships; give full consent for extensive medical treatment; pay income tax and National Insurance; obtain tax credits and welfare benefits in their own right; leave school and enter work or training; get married or enter a civil partnership; change their name; become a director of a company; join the armed forces and represent your country; become a member of a trade union as well as a co-operative society. Need I go on? Not only are 16 and 17 year olds by law able to make complex decisions and take on wide ranging responsibilities, they are also showing in practice that they want to make a positive difference to the UK society, locking them out is patronising …show more content…

Or through being a local youth councilor which is shown as 85% of secondary schools have school councils and about 20,000 young people being active in local youth councils. It also goes as far being a member of the youth parliament which has 600 elected MYPs, each serving for 12 months and voted in by their peers, this was established in 2000, the UK Youth Parliament also host debates within in Parliament since 2008. This is further proof that 16 and 17 year olds are more than capable of being able to understand politics and completely defeats the argument that they aren’t able to comprehend