Pepsico: Frito-Lay North America

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PepsiCo. Inc is traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) as PEP. 2 PepsiCo operates as a food and beverage company worldwide. It is organized into six segments
Frito Lay North America, Quaker Foods North America, Latin America Foods, PepsiCo
Americas Beverages, PepsiCo Europe and PepsiCo Asia, Middle East and Africa. 11

The brand PepsiCo segments are separated into 2 products – food and beverage. Its Frito-Lay North America segment offers Lays potato chips, Doritos tortilla chips, Cheetos cheese-flavored snacks, Tostitos tortilla chips, branded dips, Ruffles potato chips, Fritos corn chips, and Santitas tortilla chips. 1 In addition, the company also is part of the Quaker Foods Company which is comprised of various rice cakes, oatmeal,