
Perception Of Me Research Paper

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Influencing Others' Perceptions of Me Impression management is an active self-presentation of a person aiming to enhance his or her image in the eyes of others. In this assignment, I will be discussing in three different situations how I will be influencing others perception of me. Perception taking occurs when we use our imagination to perceive the world as others perceive it. In this assignment, I will tell you how I am influencing others perception of me by giving you the reasons behind impression management, ways in which I manage my impressions, and if I was successful or not with impression management.
My first situation would be a job interview with a veterinary hospital. There are a few reasons why I would manage my impressions. The most important reason why I would manage my impressions is because professionalism will help me land the job. In the interview, my impression management would be done by presenting myself in a positive light, showing respect to the interviewer, dressing appropriately, and being prepared to share my skills and experiences that are fit for the job in the veterinary hospital. Although I have not had my dream job interview yet, I believe that my impression management would be successful because …show more content…

In this situation, the reason why I would be managing my impressions is because I would want my new fellow coworkers and friends to see me with positive judgements. When being a guest in someone’s home, I would manage my impressions by showing their property respect, come in appropriate attire, be polite and positive when engaging in conversations with others, and be gracious for being invited to the get together and thankful for the food. I would be successful in this situation because I would take my self-concept into consideration which is how we perceive ourselves in a social

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