Periclesian Democracy: A Golden Age Of Athenian Democracy

174 Words1 Pages
Lia Hansen
Athenian Democracy: A Golden Age OPVL

In the Golden Age of the Athenian Democracy was also known as the historic period of Pericles. Pericles were a man with a lofty style of language as well as he had quietness of tone that held no emotion while he was speaking. He was a man who had become very deeply engaged in his philosophy.
Pericles became popular with the Athenian people and devoted himself to the people. He took the side of the poor and began making advances with the people. Pericles were a man who was careful with his words and also prayed to the gods. Pericles even gave the wealth of the Athens and offered dinner to those that need it. This document is a secondary source.

Purpose: Pericles was a man who