Perscribed Burn Persuasive Speech

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How many times do you go to watch tv and the news is telling you about the latest wildfire in California? Maybe you live in Califorina and you witness these fires yourself. It is a shame all those animals dying and their homes being burned down but what if there was a way to fix it? Would you consider the solution if it also involved fire? Well I would and in this esay I am going to tell you the many reasons I support perscribed burns. There are so many reasons I support perscribed burns but here are the few I am going to be talking about. Perscribed fires cause less damange and can be easier to control, perscribed burns can restore the balance in an ecosystem, and finally they can help control insects and diseases. Athough many people disagree …show more content…

In both the video I watched and an article I read they explain that prescribed burns can reduce dangerous fuels that accumulate in the forests. In some places forest fuels accumulate quickly meaning that if a natural wildfire starts in those areas it will cause so much damang and it will be harder to control. Another reason I support perscribed burns is perscribed burns can restore the blance of an ecostystem. In the forest many plants and grass tend to become over grown making it hard for animals to travel through there which can affect the entire ecosystem. Think about it this way if an animal cannot get through the overgrown grass to hunt for food that animla would have to find something else causing the animals previous pray to become an overgrown population. My final reasoning for supporting prescribed burns is they can help control disease and insects. In many forest there are diseases and insects that consume trees and many other wildlife homes causing problems for many wildlife. Due to perscribed burns being carefully planned out these fires can help kill the insects and diseases without harming too many animals. For example perscribed burns are planned after many of the young animals have grown up that way those animals can flee the area without being