
Persepolis Essay

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The story of Marjane’s childhood consists series of stories that suggest how the period of time she lived through was exceptional because through thousands of years in Iran, nothing similar happened. Marjane witnessed in her childhood extreme events like the Iranian revolution, the Iraqi-Iranian war and the new life with the new Islamic Republican regime which has changed her everyday life. Witnessing her uncle Anoosh being executed robustly has shaken her emotions and faith upside down. Marjane’s story of her childhood and adulthood is not a normal innocent life, but It was a time of controversial ideologies, violence, and radical changes that caused some their lives and gave some no option but to leave Iran including Marjane. …show more content…

Thus, when Marjane went back to Iran she went through nervous breakdown or depression that caused her to be isolated and suffered from bad feelings for long-term. Thanks to the war with Iraq, Marji realized that her situation was not as bad as her cousin who lost his leg in the war. Thus, she decided with full determination to continue studying, find a soul mate and accept the fact of being in Iran and should integrate with the social life there. It may be a nightmare for her to adapt with the life in Iran where the regime is very aggressive and misuse the power by oppressing the freedoms of Iranian citizens. For this Marjie did not stay too long in Iran and decided as many others to leave the country to Parise in her early 20s. For she would not negotiate over her rights and freedom, it was necessary for Marji to leave Iran supported by her parents who felt it was the right thing to help her finding her own way of living even if that requires them to send her out of the country. That resistance proves the fact that Iranians no matter who rule or invade them did not and will not change their

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