Business Ethics Essay

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Student Name Manender Singh
Student Number 10349475
Course Title MBA
Lecturer Name Eileen Corrigan
Eddie Mcconnon
Module/Subject Title Personal & Professional Development (B9MG122)
Assignment Title Ethics Essay

‘It is entirely appropriate that personal ethical standards should be influenced increasingly by corporate culture, as people move up the organizational hierarchy’.

“The word Ethic for business is contradictory itself”. It has been claimed that business ethic is an “Oxymoron”. The word oxymoron refers to bringing together of two apparently contradictory concepts, such as in ‘a cheerful pessimist ‘or ‘a deafening silence’. Saying that business ethics is an oxymoron …show more content…

Transparency, accountability and integrity are the essential to the way Group conducts its business in every sphere. Tata Steel has very good reputation as an employer and respects all human rights both within and outside of the workplace.
What is the Tata Code of Conduct?
Tata Code of Conduct is the ethical road map of organization and it was formally articulated in 1998.The purpose of Tata Code of Conduct was to guide each employee on the values, ethics and business principles expected of him/her in personal and professional behavior.
The Tata Code of Conduct is established through a specially formulated structure “the Management of Business Ethics (MBE) and it is based on four pillars:-
Leadership- The position of chief ethics officer is hold by the managing director of Tata Steel. A delegated Ethics Counselor, supported by Departmental Ethics Coordinators, reports directly to the Managing Director. And he can also access to the Board of Directors.

Communication and Awareness- The employees, suppliers, contractors and vendors have to follow Compliance to the Code. Seminars, compliance training and ethics awareness workshops are organized at frequent …show more content…

It’s not easy to practice good ethical values. However by implementing well designed ethic policy, ethical leadership and implementing ethics into organizational strategies and process, it will make easier. These factors help to integrate ethics into organizational culture. . Ethics will only find its proper place in organizations that make it a priority by creating relational expectations that work for the good of everyone. Strong leaders model and pass on ethical aspects of the culture and use techniques like structure, decision-making processes, rewards, norms, heroes, stories, rituals and other artifacts to create a strong