Personal Attributes Of Athena, Poseidon And Athena

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Through her knowledge and wisdom Athena thought of how humans could use her Athena exists as the goddess of great wisdom and knowledge and her actions reflect her personal attributes. Both Athena and Poseidon are chosen to partake in a contest. The contest for a city on the edge of Greece. (Coolidge 19) Cecrops the first King of what would become Athens, brought upon the challenge between two gods, Poseidon and Athena. Whoever presented the most useful item to humans would win. (Bulfinch 37) Each would offer a gift that would benefit the people of the city. Poseidon presented a large salt deposit and the promise of a mighty ship fleet. Small and plain, a shrub planted into the Earth by Athena. The innocuous shrub happened to be the olive tree. …show more content…

Her wisdom, strength, and strategy are often prayed for by soldiers about to fight and judges in courts of law. (Evslin 9). Athena lives known for her wisdom, knowledge, and crafts. The grand omniscient city of Athens lasts in her honor, as well as many structures in Athens. The scrupulous Athena flourishes as a model goddess and a figure many strive to be like. Athena oversaw the useful crafts of man as well as agriculture and sailing. She also looks out for women’s sewing and weaving. (Bulfinch 37) Through her cleverness, Athena happens to be constantly favored by Zeus, Athena is fond of Earth and its people; she often gave them skills useful for crafting. Athena looks out for and greatly cares for people. The Athenians are forever grateful for Athena’s gifts, they honor her through many sacrifices and feasts. Although Athena is a goddess and beyond humans, she treats them fairly and presents many gifts. Poseidon is the god of the sea, storms, earthquakes, and horses. Poseidon the god who gifted Athens with the ability to sail and trade around the Mediterranean. (Coolidge 19) Grand and magnificent, Poseidon like Athena gave gifts to the