Personal Chef Research Paper

452 Words2 Pages

Lance Cowart
Informational Essay
Professor Ventura
English F
11 March 2016

Personal Chef

Becoming a Personal Chef can be a fun and exciting career choice. A Personal Chef should have A Personal Chef has a background in food preparation. Graduate of Culinary Arts degree. You
Have proper food certifications to handle food. Your employers are looking for you to have
Great Organizational skills. Good Intrapersonal skills, Time management skills. A Personal Chef
Can prepare entire family menus. A Personal Chef is employed by one individual or family Full time. Personal chefs do not need a formal culinary education, but it is preferred. Personal chefs love creating dishes from different ethnic cuisines. Attending culinary
School provides …show more content…

Becoming a Personal Chef requires a personal touch. Your culinary skills should be
Sharp. You need the right training, reputation and certification to get the job.
A Personal chef serves several clients, usually one per day. The typical client is usually
Two-income couples with or without children. You may be asked to prepare meals outside of the
Home and delivers them. Every family's job is unique and each position may have different
Personal Chefs do not need a formal culinary education, but it is preferred. There are
Many benefits to becoming a Personal Chef. I like that you serve the households or individuals.
Planning and cooking meals based on established client. Restaurant-based chefs, do not have
Personal contact with customers. Personal chefs are typically independent contractors rather than
Normal employees. Finding personal connections are crucial to finding work. The restaurant
Industry is extremely competitive, and being a private. Being a great Chef is even more
So. It also has a lot to do with your reputation and who you know. I loved cooking and feeding
People And made the decision to pursue cooking as a career. I knew, I didn’t want to work