Personal Code Of Ethics By Two Immigrant Parents

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Personal Code of Ethics I was born and raised on the east side of Des Moines by two immigrant parents. I was also raised catholic. In my opinion, being Vietnamese and Catholic has always been an interesting combination. Vietnamese culture emphases on respecting and worshiping our ancestors, while Catholicism teaches that we worship only God. I was taught to always listen to my elders and do as they say. Being Catholic also meant that there were certain rules and guidelines that I had to follow. I don’t like the feeling of being trapped in a box and told how to act and/or think. It was difficult for me to figure out what my personal morals and beliefs are because the Catholic and Vietnamese morals and beliefs were all I knew. It wasn’t until …show more content…

The first standard I try to follow is I will not lie or deceive others. To me, this standard means that I will strive to always be truthful with those around me even if it may hurt their feelings. Along with that, it means that I will not intentionally mislead or deceive those in my life. This standard is generally considered positive as it stands for honesty, trustworthiness, and transparency in relationships and communication. One test that can be applied to this standard is the Golden Rule test. This test asks whether I would be comfortable with others lying or deceiving me in similar situations. By applying this test, I can put myself into the other person’s shoes, understand their perspective, and see if I would be happy in their position. This ethical standard reflects a universal good according to Kant's perspective, as it is based on the principle of honesty and treating others with respect and dignity. (Howard and Korver 2008) Although this is an ethical standard, I have for myself, I know that there will be some occasions where I know I would violate this code. An example would be if someone's life is at immediate risk, and lying or deceiving could prevent them from getting hurt or save their life, I would consider making an exception. However, it is important to weigh the potential harm caused by me lying against the harm that could be prevented. Behavioral ethics can …show more content…

This standard means that I will refrain from taking the belonging of others without permission. This ethical standard is generally a positive as it upholds the principles of respecting others' rights, promoting fairness, and avoiding harm. The test I would use is the “Front-Page Test” (Howard and Korver 2008). The test involves considering whether I would be comfortable with my actions being reported on the front page of a newspaper or shared publicly. If my actions would cause embarrassment, shame, or damage to my reputation, it may because I am doing something unethical. This ethical standard reflects both a universal good and the principle of utility proposed by Bentham and Mill. Respecting other people’s property and refraining from stealing promotes the well-being and happiness of society. While I strive to adhere to this standard, there may be rare circumstances where violating it might be compelled. For instance, if I were in a life-threatening situation and stealing necessary supplies or resources was the only way to ensure my survival or the survival of others, I might consider it as a last resort. However, I try my absolute best to not steal because it imbeds a bad mindset that what I have is not enough. It is important to be grateful for what we have even if it not a