Personal Essay: Misfit Jobs

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Every Christmas, my family watches the 1964 movie Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer? Shiny-nosed Rudolph and Hermey, an aspiring elf-dentist, band together to look for a place where others will accept them for who they are. On their journey, they find the land of misfit toys, a land where unwanted toys make their home. The whole story comes to a happy ending when all the misfits finally find their place.

This being my third attempt at a major, I have had some experience with feeling like a misfit. Professional Writing and Information Design (PWID) is where I finally found my place.

My freshman year of college I was convinced that I wanted to be the face of a Christian non-profit, giving speeches and promoting worthy causes. So I tried Applied Communications with a Public Communications concentration.

But …show more content…

In an effort to make my major more practicalBecause their career paths interested me, I also picked up an Editing and Publishing minor. Now I wanted to work for a Christian publishing company.

That summer, I made multiple unsuccessful attempts at getting an editing internship. I got really tired of trying to stretch my abilities to fit these internships. In reality, my skill set just didn’t match the job descriptions. So I spent my summer nannying five children. Trust me; I did a lot of soul searching (and hair pulling).

Junior year I drove back to Cedarville with a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. I started my editing and publishing classes. Halfway through the semester, I was sitting through Pentateuch class when I had an epiphany: I loved my minor more than my major. I got excited about Advanced Grammar and Technical Editing, but I dreaded having to take Hermeneutics and Minor Prophets. So I pulled up the academic catalog on my laptop (yes, during class; at least it wasn’t PinterestFacebook). I found PWID because all the editing and publishing classes were inside the

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