Personal Narrative

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It was the darkest time of the night, right before dawn, when Nick quietly opened his front door and crept out into the street. He held a small lunchbox of personal items, such as pictures and small toys; and this lunchbox he vowed never to let out of his sight. He prepared for his two mile walk to the crossroad at the heart of his town. Playing the hopeful scenario of what could come from this fateful night, Nick became more and more anxious. After what seemed like an eternity, he arrived at the crossroad of Gleason and 57th. He knelt down at the center of the road and began to dig a small hole in the ground. Then he placed the lunchbox he had carried in the hole, and buried it. “Rolex. I want a rolex,” Nick whispered to the night air. …show more content…

But the bodies name is Mal,” she replied with a worried tone. “Look, I’ve done all the research and I’ve blessed myself well enough to bypass the consequences of what I’m doing,” Nick said coldly. “There’s no way out of it, everything has consequences. But if you insist, the rolex is yours,” Mal replied with a weary tone. “Whatever, just get this over with,” Nick said walking towards Mal. “You have to kiss me now, and then it will be done,” Mal informs him. Nick walked over and forcefully planted lips on Mal’s. When he opened his eyes, Mal was gone and there was an unsettling feeling surrounding him. As Mal walks under the overpass, she thinks about Nick and what he has done to himself and his family. He only has nine years, she thinks to herself. She had been in this buisness for over 300 years, and had seen many horrible things happen to good people. They never realize what they are actually giving up, thought Mal, it’s never worth it. She sat down, thinking about the life she used to live; the one when she was alive and had …show more content…

The closer he got, he could see the red flag pointing up on his mailbox. He quickened his pace to a run, and pulled open the mailbox to find a large box inside. When he pulled it out it had the word Rolex printed in large silver letters on the side. It was large, beautiful, and heavy, everything Nick wanted. “Perfect. It’s perfect. I love it!” Nick yelled. He walked back towards his house when he heard a rustling near him in the bushes. “Hello?” Nick asked worriedly, “who’s there?” There was no reply. Nick crept back into his house and went to his room, closing the door to his privacy. “You idiot. How can you be so stupid?” Katie, Nick's’ sister asked. “What are you doing in here?!” Replied Nick. “I know what you’ve done, and I know that it wasn’t worth it at all. No amount of blessings or black magic herbs can help you. Nothing can surpass the Devil, Nick, especially a small, worthless boy such as yourself.” Katie said, pointing at the book of spells and ground up herbs used for blessings. “Get out. I don’t want to hear it.” Nick yelled. He gathered up all of the occult items he used to preserve his soul, planning to burn them in the morning. He put the Rolex on his nightstand and his eyes fell