Personal Narrative: A Letter To An Immigrant

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When I first received your letter I was a tad disordered to be completely frank, I had understood things were going fairly smoothly, I comprehend the distance is challenging for me to suitably govern thou. Yet is it really necessary for you to not state these grievances in person? Do you seek me as unreasonable gent, is that why you didn’t do this all face to face? I consider myself to be one of the fairer rulers; back to the matter at hand- If you wish to leave I will not stop you. You all think you could govern superior then I? I’ll let you go ahead and attempt. Though, I do not fully understand your complaints since all things I have done are justified in the way I conducted myself. Such as your complaint ‘For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us’.-That decree was completely in order, where else would we put people who are fighting for us? There wasn’t enough room anywhere else and under the circumstances it was necessary. …show more content…

Or are you now just exaggerating to make yourselves seem to have a higher amount of clauses you’re your wish of separating, to make it seem as though you made more of a valid and justified reason? I had plenty to make you go away but I always figured we could work it out, such as that time you found our tea to be overly priced and threw it all into the Boston Harbor. Just a bit of a rebellion stage is all I believed you were going through, I suppose now that I was far from correct. As for these said prior attempts, as I previously mentioned, we gave into to some of your requests, but most were unworldly unbelievable. Completely outrageous, and we believed it was simply a stage everyone went through so we let it pass. You were never