
Declaration Of Independance Analysis

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Declaration of independance Year 4621 month of the snow, day of the new as declared by Chief of Cluetones Deder. Outen, and Chief Sairn. Octturn of Demoles, Commander Leidern, and the representatives of our 13 states are brought into unity despite minor differences, we are one. We have suffered for 120 year. 46 years of the Longjevs imposed slavery. 74 years of witch that were inflicted by the NIgenolas for needles segregation. Form the experience of bickering as pawns to one another, to the destruction of a sacred culture to labeling. Now we are to take it back and learn. This is to be brought attention to Commander and Leader Maledern. R Straw of the NIgenolas. In the course of events do to the mistreatment of the inhabitants of …show more content…

R Straw a being who striped us of our culter. He who allowed such oppression under his watch. He who is out for Blood and to slain us of success. He who neglected our plea of equality. He who only looked out for himself rather his own kind. He who allowed the refusal of jobs to the true Cyroten. He who rejoices in our ignorance, and lack of an Education. He who sent our innocents as examples. He who had no mercy to our young and women. He who discriminated us, and segregated us. He who rejected our thoughts, opinions, and ideas. He who sawt to make us weaker in Career, Tax, and War. He who brought impossible standards, and expectations. He who sent high ranking “Officers”to harass, take, and ignore their duties. He who forced his Religion upon us. He who allowed his soul to rage on …show more content…

We have learned from experience now. We seek to help one another out however we can. This Government must have an open mind to what is examine as appropriate implication to be a uses of the Cyrotens funding. Most Ideas shall be heard but not all will be catered too. Slavery is to exist in the depths of hell so shall Murder, and Rape. We must learn to accept both sides but can not remain neutral as a bystander. Let our experienced pave the way to a better future. We therefore declare Cyroten to be Cyroten. We are now once more an independent community and now countries. The past 8 years We have lost many And it will not be let down in vain. We no longer see a way of a negotiations that may please both. With our passed advancements we now success that of you. Now we may breathe freely from your grasp of fear that has rendered us weak, and a painted target of wrongful accusations. Yet you have the nerve to push us lower and lower into the economical starvations we had to face. Now this is no more, now we are Free now we are our own. Signed - Chief Deder. Outen- Representative of Cluetones &

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