Personal Narrative: A Little Kid Mootocross Race

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One time I was racing in a little kid motocross race in Corydon Indiana, but I’ve never raced before. I was used to racing four wheelers and I knew this was gonna be a challenge for me. I practiced at home with the little track behind my house. I wasn’t very good nor fast, but I tried to be the fastest. All the racers including me was lined up on the starting line, and we were off like a speeding bullet out of a forty cal. On the first corner my brakes didn’t work and my throttle would stick. I knew I was going to crash big time. Sadly, i ramped over the corner and flew off the dirt bike. My dad didn’t check the brakes like he was supposed to do before I began, and that’s the reason I crashed. My mom and dad saw it all and wasn’t the