Personal Narrative: All-City Honor Band

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Mid-December on a Friday morning the most unexpected situation brought harsh feelings towards me. I found out I did not make the District 's All-City Honor Band. Every year before that day, I have always achieve a chair in the honor band since I have been playing the clarinet. That disappointment hit my heart the deepest and hardest way possible because that morning I woke up certain I made the band. I took the failure hard with all kinds shenanigans with negative thoughts and feelings. That sad day I walked in the band room after hearing those announcements on the intercom with a heavy heart. I cried like a baby playing while playing in band class. I felt that was the end of everything because I knew the clarinet was the only true skill and passion I had outside of academics. After all that frustration and tear down of my self confidence, I took it upon myself to change my attitude and develop another instrument interest. That piece of failure was turned into a challenge for a new beginning. …show more content…

The mellophone is a not so common instrument but can be closely associated with the french horn which is completely opposite of the clarinet. Because I took the initiative to play the mellophone, I had to teach myself how to play which ended up having me develop skills faster and more constantly than I did six years on the clarinet. From this, I see risks come with great accomplishments. Risks and challenges only strengthens and never weakening your mind and abilities used everyday. In the road of developing one ' self, there will be benefits and loses in the process. With the risks I have taken in my school work and extra curricular activities have only shown me how great of a student, a co-worker, and a friend I am to