Personal Narrative: Becoming A Writer

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Ever since I could write, I have written stories and forced adults to read them. I actually got loads of compliments on them, even having a teacher tell me that I was going to be an author when I was older. Suddenly that became my dream, I was determined to be the next J.K Rowling or Neil Gaiman. Everybody told me that I could be whatever I wanted to be, so why not be a world famous author? I very strongly believed in my ability to make my dream a reality until I got to middle school and teachers and adults starting telling my peers and I that our dreams of becoming astronauts, presidents, and the next Leonardo Dicaprio (but with more oscars), were childish and that we needed to pick careers that were actually attainable. That was around the time that I decided that I wanted to be a lawyer.By the time I made it to ninth grade, I didn’t write stories anymore. I felt that writing was a waste of time since I would never be published anyway. The only reason I signed up for creative writing was because I knew it would be an easy A and I figured that it might even be a little fun. But I got so much more out of it than just another A on …show more content…

Johnson. However, I still had the same mentality that I could never be published. Until one day,we were critiquing our last story in class and Mr. Johnson nonchalantly mentioned that I should turn my short story into the novel. I was a little surprised by the casual way that he said it. Usually people talked about getting a book published like it is a far fetched thing, but Mr. Johnson made it seem so easy and attainable. I knew it would be a lot of hard work to write a novel and try to get it published, but Mr. Johnson made my dreams seem realistic, and for the first time in years I felt as if I could actually get something published if I