Personal Narrative: Between The Doors

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Between the Doors

Before beginning this essay I began to realize the amount of time remaining before the deadline. This of course threw me into a panic like just as any other teenager would experience in my situation. I began to look into sleep cycles to see if I could maximize my productivity output but limiting my sleep. Looking into several sleep cycles that would involve little naps spread out throughout the day and night. For example I looked into the Uberman sleep cycle which is comprised of six naps per day half an hour each for a total rest time of two hours. The naps were too frequent for me though so I looked into the Dymaxion sleep cycle which appeared more realistic to me. It uses half an hour naps every five and a half …show more content…

I was surprised to find that I actually had a few of the intelligences that we discussed in class. I know that I am not very intelligent person to begin with. I often don’t read books, I do terrible on tests, and I always misinterpret information. With this very dismal mindset I was surprised to discover that I still excel in a few different areas. Before I go into what types of intelligence I have I will first describe the multiple intelligences we discussed in class. Although, I will not be using the abilities described by Cattell-Horn Carroll, rather I find the intelligences described by Howard Gardner to be more graspable for my adolescent mind. The first type of intelligence is revolved around nature. Commonly called Naturalist Intelligence, a nature intelligent person can typically be sensitive to the features of the outside world such as clouds or rock formations. Naturalist Intelligence is a common characteristic in professions such as botanists and chefs. Second there is Musical Intelligence. Someone who has Musical Intelligence can distinguish between pitch, rhythm, timbre, and tone. This intelligence lets people recognize, create, and appreciate music demonstrated by composers, musicians, even conductors. Often, individuals who have this intelligence will feel strong emotions that relate to the music they are listening to. They also have the same thought process as a mathematical oriented person. Logical-Mathematical intelligence individuals are typically good with their times-tables. They have the ability to calculate, quantify, and carry out complete mathematical operations. This does not however have to do with the difficulty of the problem itself, simply the concepts that surround it and the ability of the individual to grasp the concepts. If someone who has a mathematical intelligence wants to expand upon their knowledge or put their past knowledge to a good use they may