Personal Narrative: Colorguard Team

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My heart was beating so quickly I could feel it in my throat, sweat was running down my face and all I could see is the stadium full of people clapping some with smiles and others with straight faces and then I remember looking at the judges table and felt like my blood has somehow run cold and my heart seemed to still increase with speed. I glanced at the judge's face for one second because we were not allowed to look at them but there faces were embrained in me even if I just glanced at them for a second. They had the straightest faces no response, no satisfaction, almost like they were bored. This competition is what I lived for what I waited for and what I worked so hard for and in the end I fell apart on the most important day of my …show more content…

We went over the amount of time we had to practice which was summoned up to 12 hours a week and we had to sign our contracts knowing we are willingly giving up our time. It was a pretty intense way to end my first semester of highschool as a freshmen,but giving up my time and freedom wasn’t that hard, shockingly I was actually excited to be part of the colorguard team and ready to be off the field and into a gym. A week before our winter break the whole team got called into our instructors office Mrs.A we called her, she was always very serious and mean nothing happy or enthusiastic about her character. With about 22 girls in the office it was surprisingly very quiet she told us to shut the door of her office and all you could hear were the a.c vents going and and at that moment I looked toward my captain's face and all you could see was disappointment and sadness. Our instructor told us we were no longer going to be funded by our band program because the school has recently gone on a tighter budget and had to cut the amount of funding provided for the some school programs like the band program. In other words she was letting us know that we had to start funding ourselves or the program would not exist and we would have to say goodbye to going to nationals. It was heart wrenching and absurd that the one place I felt like I belonged was most likely not going to be exist anymore and that was terrible. Since it was up to us raise money to fund our color guard program we had to organize a lot of fundraiser within the next upcoming months. It involved a lot of baking and calling restaurants to work with us on selling dinner plates.Soon we were on our way to funding our