Personal Narrative Essay

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The terrible twos, it is a time when parents might experience some selective amnesia. This is a good thing, at least for me.
I think about my not so easy but not wholly miserable pregnancy. Sometimes I felt as though any woman might be mildly insane to go thru that ten month chore more than once. Now that it is over I am glad but I cannot put myself back there fully. I adore my son and still want another child but I remember being overwhelmed, nauseous, in pain, exhausted, hyper-emotional, etc and with a super powerful olfaction. Oh yeah, and the process of childbirth…I still shudder despite its ease relative to other’s experiences. I can’t feel it anymore, thank God!
That suffering was all worth the reward right? Buckle up and be ready to …show more content…

Okay, just one more dish and then…
“Oww! No biting” The back of my thigh, really?! “We don’t bite, you get a timeout for biting.”
What did he just throw at me?...He bolts… Ok, where is the closest soft area I can set him down, not close to any corners…I hope the old half-deaf dog hears us coming. I can’t warn him, not just because of his failing ears but I am trying to talk calmly to this squirming, kicking, noodle-like dead-weight mass of independence -seeking, limit -testing child. That I love so much it makes my heart hurt. How much longer, I ask myself while doing some serious deep-breathing. Down I set him in the time-out area, with a NOW expertly timed drop in between head flings. Yep, giraffe for …show more content…

“Do you want me to bite YOU?”
“Then we don’t bite others.”
“ Momma, hug?”
We hug, the sweetest little hug no money can buy. Thank you God! I sneak around the corner to assess the damage in the bathroom mirror. The skin not broken but a nasty blue, tooth indention-remaining mark in a rather sensitive spot. Uh-oh, it is too quiet, I think. I return to the living room. He is laying down on his belly GENTLY petting the dog, whose eye he damaged about a week prior. I don’t know if it is permanent.
“Oh, baby, that is so sweet! The dogs like when you are gentle. Look, he is wagging his tail.” He lets out that contagious little giggle.
“His happy.”
“You are right, he IS happy!” And so am I. “I love you baby.”
“Tso much!”
Brings tears to my eyes just to recall. Each moment I hope I can capture and many I want to forget, and likely will. I hope I won’t break him. I’ve got a lifetime at this job, but I am thankful that we are nearing the end of the 3 year crucial and massive brain development window.
It is all very important but this is the groundwork. I’ve got a good foundation laid, I think, I hope and yes,