
Personal Narrative Essay

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Lexie Front grew up in a normal life, her parents were still married to each other and she grew up in a very nice house. She was a smart kid and she thrived to receive good grades in all of her classes. When she reached high school she had no idea what was going to happen next. Then as she started to grow up she started to have crushes on guys, guys that she has known her whole life but hasn’t really thought about liking them before. However when she saw Danny Block in the hallway one day she noticed that she had never seen him before. Her school was big, but not that big, and she knew everyone. She thought to herself he looks like a nice person, but I’m not going to push anything because I have no idea who this person is anyways. Days …show more content…

You would think that she would be really nervous to talk to her crush, but than you would have never met Lexie. Lexie was very confident in herself, unless it came to singing. Lexie was a wonderful singer, so she had been told, but she got nervous because she never wanted to fail or disappoint. “I don’t know,” Danny said in a cocky tone. Danny only cared about sports and his friends. He would make fun of other students that would miss-spell something or would say something wrong. However, Lexie knew that this was all an act. She knew that there was something deeper inside of him, and he was only acting the way he acts to try to fit in. “Okay,” Lexie said in a snobby tone, “So I was thinking that we could research The Vietnam War. Then we could get people that are still alive to this day to tell us about their experience. What do you think?” “Sure whatever you think.” Danny and Lexie share things about each other that they didn’t know before. Danny and Lexie found out that they are similar to each other. Danny and Lexie both live in a nice house, with wealthy parents. They both enjoy watching basketball, and school. Lexie was surprised about this because she had heard some negative

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