Personal Narrative Essay About My Gun

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The Gun
It is nearing the end of November and only a few days from now will I get get to show my owner what I am made of. I am a gun, I am not just any gun, I am a waterfowl gun, the toughest of all guns. I wake up early before any other guns, and I shoot in colder weather than any other guns. Being a waterfowl gun means I have to be ready for anything. I have to be prepared for rain, snow, wind and even the frigid water I hunt from. I have a big responsibility, my owner expects me to perform under any condition flawlessly every time. I can hunt in water, in fields and even from in a blind. I am a 12 gauge stoger M3500, and I can shoot any shell my owner wishes and I will cycle everyone of them. My owner usually feeds me black clouds shells that are 3 inch 2 shot. I can take down ducks, geese, coyotes, and even a turkey.
Friday night November 30th and I am getting a bath for the big opening day. I am making sure that I am clean, and ready to …show more content…

Finally it is sunrise, meaning it is shooting light. Right away it is go time. Shots off in the distance have scared roosting ducks our way, and they are looking for a safe place to land. They find our spread welcoming and lock up for landing, next thing I know I am kicked off safety and I am staring straight on with group of mallard ducks. My trigger is pulled, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! My shots leave four mallard ducks floating feet up in the water, yes I took down four ducks in three shots. The weekends practicing have paid off. Dinner tonight has been taken care of, as we kill the opening day limit in only one group of birds. The number of birds flying around us increases rapidly; it is expected as other hunter fire around us. I am ecstatic as we just sit and watch the beautiful ducks circle our spread of decoys. Duck hunting guns are lots of thing: We are a tough group a goal driven group and group of fools at