Personal Narrative Essay: Golf: The Game Of Golf

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Golf is a game that can be played throughout life as it teaches us life skills and values that will prepare us for what life brings our way. Golf is often said to be a sport that relates to life. In the game of golf the players navigate the hilly, uneven terrain with the sole aim to reach the goal— is to PUTT the ball . Golf teaches the player many a life lessons. The game instils honesty, sportsmanship, respect, confidence, perseverance, courtesy and concentration. The game provides us a chance to take a REAL close look at ourselves, our performance and receive and accept feedback to better oneself in the game of life .. The game also builds us for social skills, a strong foundation for lifelong friendships. It imparts in us the ability to accept personal responsibility. Sometimes the outcome of playing the game may not be the way we want ,however regardless of the outcome there is no blaming our teammates for the games results. blaming our teammates for the games results. We learn to manage our emotions. The game of golf exposes us to experience the highs and the lows of the game. Ranging from birdies to triple bogeys, the twists and turns reward a young person 's ability to keep each stroke in perspective, helps us to manage emotions, maintain a positive outlook and focus on the nextgoal to keep going with the game . In today’s stressful life playing golf can help recharge the human mind and brain to think out of the box. Like in most games