
Personal Narrative: When I Go To Liberty Middle School

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Mondays were always dreadful, especially when you go to Liberty Middle School in Columbus Ohio. Every single day my sister would complain about going to school as she would look down at the dead brown leaves. But for me I liked going to school, I liked all of my teachers especially Mr.Nicolosi. He was so nice and he had a side of humor too. Anyways, I always loved going to school but that all changed when that horrible accident happened. I still remember it like it was just yesterday.
It was a sunny but chilly November day. Before school, my dog Molly and I would go outside and play ball until the bus came. Before I would throw the green ball my arm was always oscillating before I actually threw it. I would usually throw her ball around twenty …show more content…

The veterinarian walked away and went into another room. A couple minutes went by and I got to say my final goodbyes to Molly in case she didn't make it through the surgery. My mom and I left the veterinarian's office and went home.
As we were getting in the car my mom ensured me that if Molly did pass away that I would be able to get another dog. But for some reason, I didn't want another dog I wanted Molly. After I told her that it went quiet. I looked out the window for that seven-minute drive and didn't speak. As we got home my little brother Aiden ran up to me in sorrow. As I looked down on Aiden my mouth opened and I started to talk to him, “ There is a big chance that Molly will pass away and most likely never see her again” I bemoaned. He nodded his head and headed for the kitchen. Once we got into the kitchen it made me more grey. It reminded me of Molly, everything reminded me of her at the time. I just couldn’t get her out of my mind.
The end of the day came and my family and I heard the yellow phone ring from across the house. My mom picked it up and started talking. At the time I did not know who it was from I thought it was from my Aunt or from someone in our family comforting us. As my mom hung up the phone I asked her who it was

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