I Stood Up For My Father

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There was one time when I took courage in life and it was when I stood up for my mom and I against my father. Ever since my older sister and I were little toddlers we were scared of our father. We never told him how we felt because we never wanted to make him mad because lets be honest he use to beat us, so we were just always scared. Well I finally stood up for how he would treat my mom and i. When I stood up for my mom and I was when my father decided he could talk to us however he wanted. When things would go bad he always thought that was when he could mistreat us. When I say he thought he could mistreat us is he thought he could sit there and put my mom down and just thought he could tell me what to do. Well one time I had gotten in trouble and my father …show more content…

Well my mom and my father started arguing and my mom started crying which is probably the biggest thing that could get me from being okay to totally anger and upset within a second. I started yelling at my father, which I have never done before in my whole life, telling him that it is not my mom’s fault she had nothing to do with it. He obviously did not like the fact I yelled at him so we started arguing. I finally then had enough after we argued for so long and told him how I have actually been feeling. Basically that he is never around anymore to begin with that if anything happens he should not even care nor get involved because it just causes more problems. He did not like that and so we argued more but then he finally got the hint each time something would happen and I would mouth off to him. I cannot have respect for a man who cuts out his kids just to impress his new girlfriend, I cannot do it. He does not realize how bad he has hurt my mother, sister and I the last ten or so