Personal Narrative: From Failure To Promise

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From Failure to Promise is an extraordinary masterpiece and a great deal of the occurrences in Dr. Moorer life reminded me of my journey and there were days on track, off track, with new tracks, fast tracks, and quite a few backtracks. Nevertheless, I have no doubt there will be tenure tracks in the future. Faith, Education, Experience, and Effort occurs all through life on daily basis. Faith, Education, Experience, and Effort are a day to day occurrence and happen all the way through life.
Meanwhile the necessary requirements are essential, in meeting Civic responsibility whether personal or professional. As God elevates higher embracing, integrating and incorporating the 7 Spheres of Influence and Integration Model throughout life is of …show more content…

Reading this phenomenal book reiterated some things for me, and it enabled me to see things differently. In the seven spheres of influence and integration model affect my world tremendously because it originates from two truths. We live in a world full of humans. Each one is valuable in the sight of God, and the fact is we have the ability to affect another individual’s life directly or indirectly.
The love of God gives one the ability to reach and expand beyond their human expectations. Compassion and love for people originate from having a relationship with the Father. No matter where you find yourself in love, God is the answer. After reading about the trials and tribulations of the author, it makes you realize and understand the truth about submitting your will onto a true and living God who can take you further than your intellect can image.
Recognizing and understanding has become an important fact as I continue to embark upon this journey. The seven spheres integrate participation from me and will expand to the world, meaning my civic responsibility can be personal or professional. The word of God states that we love our neighbors as we love ourselves, being a Christian means we must always walk in …show more content…

God is concerned about the well-being and interest of the peoples. So we are doing as Christ did. Reflecting on my life allows me to see there is no difference in my value and another because God created us all. The seven spheres in my opinion the first steps in a process for me to share a love and serve all people on the earth. As a disciple of God and a follower, I am called to love all nations, in spite of their gender orientation, faith, or their way of life.
Global citizenship requires consciousness that relies on mutual assistance, support, cooperation, interaction among humans and organizations, and a feeling of accountability which results after it. God loves all people and provides a guiding principle for livelihood in the Bible. He is my model and as I am called and chosen to love and obey his commandments. Global citizenship to me involves the establishment of leading values that will influence people morally and give way to reasonable