Biblical Worldview Analysis

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Our worldview is the lens that we make sense of life and should be intentional as we adopt a philosophy of life that is informed by something greater than ourselves as Christ should be our example, according to 1 Peter 2:21 “for [as a believer] you have been called for this purpose, since Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you may follow in His footsteps” (Amplified Version). For this reason, our moral compass when based on a biblical worldview should influence how we approach making decisions as it pertains to business ethics (Porter,2013).
To what extent do your personal religious (or non-religious) beliefs about life impact your sense of business ethics and personal decision-making? Every decision that I reach …show more content…

Not at all, my worldview is based on a foundational presupposition that I am serving an infinite creator in which every decision and belief is based on biblical principles according to Acts 17:28 “in him we live and move and have our being” (NKJV).
Article 1- “What is a worldview and why is it important to me?”
Has your answers to either of the first two questions changed after reading article 1?
As I read article 1 my answers remain steadfast, based on my worldview and the lens that I view life from starts in Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (NKJV), and it’s through this lens that I conclude that the Bible is the central source of shaping my culture as I determine right from wrong when making decisions concerning life (Porter, 2013).
Do you believe in absolute truth? Is there more than one way/religion to understanding absolute truth about God and the meaning of …show more content…

After, reading article 3 my worldview is definitive and solidifies my belief in a Triune God, in which God the Son died for my sins, and by doing so, has given me the ultimate gift which is salvation. Subsequently, reading all the articles has established that we as Christians must impact the marketplace and the world at large, as we apply our Christian beliefs in making business decisions and representing Christ in culture.
Now that you’ve read all of the articles, how has your view of meaning, ethics and your own worldview changed? What questions or comments do you have about what you’ve read?
As I view my Christianity through a worldview lens, it confirms that when asking the question who am I, and what do I believe from an ontology framework, I can answer, I am made in the image of God with a free will to choose fellowship with my creator. Likewise, absolute truth can be determined by an epistemological framework where I can find purpose and meaning in glorifying God and to serve my fellow man. Lastly, absolute values are exhibited when I determine to intentionally uphold biblical values of love, justice, discernment of good and evil from an axiological framework (Valk,