Personal Narrative: How My Reading Assignment Changed My Life

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Sitting in a huge class with white walls and many strangers while hearing the summer bridge director give the instructions of a reading assignment made me feel frightened. Ever since I was small, I had always had a difficult time with my English writing and reading. Having challenges with my English made me have no interest in reading, until the summer bridge assignment changed my perspective of seeing books. During my experience in CSUMB Summer Bridge I was able to read a book who inspired me and changed my life completely. Our reading assignment was a book titled “The Pact” by Sampson Davis, George Jenkins, Rameck Hunt, and Lisa Frazier. This book was a story of three men who grow up with negative influences while living in a dangerous community with low opportunities of …show more content…

Relating to the three doctor’s life stories and seeing how a pact motivated them to achieve there own dream gave us hope that our own pact could also work and help us success in our career goal. Having the idea of making our own pact has probably been the best decision we have taken while starting college because now we have each other to encourage one another not to give up in our dream. Since my friend and I both want to major in liberal studies to become kindergarten teachers, it has made it easier to encourage each other to make our career dream come true and graduate together. Our pact, has also given us the idea of having all our classes in college together to have each other support. Having each other in every class has really been helpful for both of us because we both combine our personal strengths to make our knowledge grow. Our pact has also helped us because in difficult situations when one feels like giving up, we have the other who has a positive attitude and encourages the other to keep on