Personal Narrative: How Wrestling Has Changed My Life

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When I started wrestling it changed my perspective on how hard you have to work at something to be good at it. My first year of wrestling I realized how physical the sport was.To wrestle you have to be physically and mentally prepared to use everything you have against everything your opponent has. You have to have a great desire to be able to win. It’s all about who wants it more and can push their body further than they think they can.Wrestling changed my life by showing me that if you work hard enough for your goals you will achieve them. In middle school I needed a sport to play in the winter so I tried wrestling. When I started I enjoyed the sport a lot. We had a coach that was also our middle school gym teacher. He was real laid back and knew the sport of wrestling very well. He taught me how important technique is in the sport. Knowing what your doing and experience is very important in the sport. He gave me a foundation to wrestling. …show more content…

He came in and made us work. With the old coach we used to just run some sprints before practice but not all that much. When coach walked in freshman year we started running progressively more and more each day. We would add a couple laps to what we did the day before. We got to the point where we were running two to three miles a day. It was very exhausting especially wearing those grey Gibson Southern sweat pants that would allow you to have sweat all over you by the time you finished running. The day was over Christmas break one morning and he told us the number of laps and it was more than we had done all year. When I got done I was so exhausted that I could barely put my wrestling shoes