Personal Narrative-Immortal Alternate Ending

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Night lets me know she’s on the way while I’m in the middle of getting ready. I decided to wear one of the designer outfits I bought the other day. Even though I know I don’t need to impress anyone, let alone Night, I can’t stand the thought of looking like a complete potato compared to her. She always looks perfect and wears the cutest outfits. Ugh… My attention turns to the River Sapphire around my neck. I may not compare to an immortal in appearance, but am I even completely human anymore? I haven’t been able to morph using the pendant yet, sure, but isn’t that the goal of the Human Immortal Program – to change me into something that’s neither human or immortal? This line of thought is kind of foreboding. I laugh it off and head downstairs. …show more content…

I nod. “It’s called the River Sapphire.” “It’s pretty.” She looks back at her sister. “It’s nothing like the other human-immortal’s charm, though. His is yellow, isn’t it?” “It’s kind of ugly,” Carmen confirms with a short nod. “Like his personality.” Wait. Other human-immortal? “There’s someone else like me here in Riverview?” I ask. Her expression goes blank for a moment, but Carmen soon laughs. “If you’re not a complete ass, you’re nothing like him,” she says. “Trust me. We tried to invite him here, but he didn’t respond to any of our messages. I know he read them, but he didn’t even take the time to decline.” Night frowns and glances down at the table. “I figured as much.” It would have been amazing to speak with someone else who is in a similar situation as me. From what I understand, there aren’t many humans who know about immortals, and there are even less that are part of the Human Immortal Program. Less than two hundred. What are the chances that there would be two in the same city? Though, if he’s as bad as Carmen says, maybe it’s for the best that he didn’t show. “Taylor’s not that bad,” Natalie says before smiling at me again. “Anyway, how does your charm …show more content…

I shake my head. “It’s fine. I had fun hanging out with Carmen and Natalie.” “Even so, I was hoping he would.” She sighs, adjusting her grip on the steering wheel. “He’s been the only human-immortal in Riverview until now. I think it would have been good for both of you if you met.” “I thought so too,” I admit. She smiles for a moment before frowning softly. “However, it’s true that he has a negative attitude and a rather… low opinion of immortals. I don’t know if it’s always been that way for Taylor, but I hope the same does not happen to you.” “Me too,” I say slowly. “Do you know how he learned about immortals?” “Mm…” She shakes her head. “He was adopted into an immortal family when he was young. That’s all I know for sure. I had a few classes with him back in high school, but he never spoke much. Most information that circulated about him was rumor.” “I see…” “Deciding against meeting you is his loss,” she assures me. “You haven’t known about us very long, but you take everything so well, and you’re very kind.” Based on the way they behave, I don’t see much of a difference between humans and immortals. I assume they’re the same as humans: most are decent people. I haven’t met many, but I haven’t been treated poorly by any of the immortals I have met so

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