Personal Narrative-It's Time To Go Back To School

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Before I made the transition to go back to school, I procrastinated by making up all types of excuses. First I said, I don’t have the money to go to school. Then someone told me to apply for a government grant. The government gave me a grant, so that took the money excuse away. My next excuse was I am too old to go back to school, college is for young people, and my mind doesn’t work like it uses to. I didn’t think I could keep up with the school work. To sum it all up, I was walking in fear. I prayed and fasted before taking the GRE. God really past the GRE through me. I’m not lying. I barely knew anything on the test. I would say yes Lord and I would here the answers is a the answers is b, and so on. Passing the GRE was the first