Personal Narrative: Living With Ade

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Living With Ade I fought back I kicked him and he threw me on the floor, laughing as he walked away. He left me on the floor crying, in the background I could here my mom yelling my name, but I stayed on the floor crying. My face was wet with tears, as I stood up it felt as if the walls were closing in on me so I start running. Up the stairs and around the corner then... October 11, 2002 Ade was born (my older brother). A few years before I was born my mom and my brother lived in a town house. When they lived with their maid and the maid had a daughter so it was Ade my mom the maid and her daughter. So the maid’s daughter was the same age as Ade so they played with each other. Ade has always told me …show more content…

Then when I ask what I came up with it is not a very exciting conversation anymore because all I said was T-ree because i could not say Auntie Reia. Then it made me sad because right after they told me they went straight back to Ade. This may make you think that I am a brat and I want all the attention but that is not the case because this is a conversation that we talk about a lot in my family. So I just have to continuously keep having my family remind me that i am not a special as my brother. My parent focus on him more then my and the only issues that I can actually believe is that he has A.D.H.D and Asthma so they have to do more stuff for him so he is good in school and at home. The Fight I was sitting at the table watching T.V. and my brother comes home running. I said,¨Hey what 's up, how was school.¨ He said,¨I GOT TO GO I GOT TO GO!¨as he zoomed past me. He ran to the bathroom then came out saying,¨ What did you say to me when I ran in?¨ I said jokingly, ¨