Mo Riah Short Story

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The story of how i came to be. My story started on November 2nd,2003 at 6:24 in the morning. My mother had many names lined up for me. The names she had planned for me where Alexia, Makayla, Leilani, Morris, my name got changed last minute to what it is now Mo’Riah jay Turner. How my name ca about was when my mother was listening to Busta Rhymes and Mariah Carey song “give it to you” and my mother liked the way the name was said at the end of the song and then she mixed my name and my father's name Morris together and that's how my name Mo’Riah came about. I was born at a good Samaritan hospital. Well before i continue on about myself i need t introduce my parents. My moms name is Sonia Turner and my dad's name is Morris Turner. But before my parents …show more content…

When I was little my mother told me that my crib was decorated with Winnie the Pooh all the way. My favorite tv shows when I was little was sesame street and Winnie the Pooh. When it would be time to go to sleep my dad would take me after i went into the shower and we would watch the games were on and i would fall asleep in his arms. One of my favorite things to eat back then and even now is mashed potatoes. When my mom and dad were working my Nina took care of me all the time. When i got older like three or four me and her would go to the park and to the corner store to get some snacks because we lived close the the corner store. My Nina is my mother's sister but one of my favorite things to do when I was little with my uncle Fernando was to have a picnic in the backyard we would go to the corner store and get some chips and things like that make sandwiches and buy our favorite bubble gum and we would chill in the back for hours and just talk and look at the clouds. Then came when i was five and then we moved and i went to kindergarten at tutor time and that's where i meet my best

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