Personal Narrative: Looking Back To High School

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My entire life has been me looking forward. Always looking forward and rarely looking back. Learning from past occurrences and planning the next; I have been a sure handed planner all my life. When I was younger my maturity of very advanced for my age, therefore I only had a select few friends. This helped me keep a level head and remain focused. The years prior to my high school career were a blur of looking onward and imagining my life outside of the chains of community schools. Therefore, I was prepared to be out of high school before I even entered high school. Once the time rolled around to begin high school, I lasted about two years until I realized I was not grasping my full potential. With much persuasion, my mother allowed me to partake in a homeschool program my junior and senior year. …show more content…

Initially, this was a challenge when it came to schoolwork, but with determination it can be done. Once I became homeschooled I was able to work more and still allow myself time for my studies. Within 3 months of being employed at my first job, I was promoted to supervisor which helped further my confidence in my work setting and educational career. Furthermore, causing my gears to begin turning and thoughts of where I would like my life to go became more prominent. There are many paths one can take in life, but my approach has always been to escape the ordinary. This led to the idea of pursuing a journalism career and perhaps moving to a large city. This has always been a dream and I am determined to have this dream realized. With the help of IUPUI I will be able to pursue this passion even further and create a career path that will lead me to success. With these next few months before enrollment, I plan to enhance and fine tune my idea on life. Even when the future is unpredictable there is always a pathway you can follow, and with the right guide anything is