Personal Narrative-Middle School Relationship

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In seventh grade I had my first “boyfriend”; it was the typical middle school relationship. I remember telling my parents at the time that it was not a big deal; I said something along the lines of “it’s middle school, this doesn’t mean anything”. We lasted almost a year and when we broke up it was like nothing happened expect it was a little odd seeing him with other females, but we were still friends for some time. I noticed that I was one of the few girls at that age who weren’t who knew that relationships then do not mean much. When it came to boys I had an “eh” attitude, while many girls got attached and when they broke up they were a little too sad. I suppose for a middle schooler, I had a better understanding of what was happening or what was going to happen then some of the others. In middle school, especially seventh and eighth grade, I became more aware of the people around me. I really started to consider those around me in what I did; I considered people’s emotions, ideas, thoughts, and religions more intently and decided I would never judge anyone before understanding them. I had seen in the Christian church more judgment than seemed appropriate and stared to reconsider my religion; these thoughts on religion did not come back into play much …show more content…

Once I got older I heard people use those terms which never played a role in my life. I always figured everyone does the same thing no matter what race they are. I think being a part of a mixed family opened me up to acceptance of all culture, because while others say someone does something or believes something because of their race, I always thought it was just because that’s how they were raised. Being a part of a mixed family I think also keeps me open minded to the way other people are because both sides are so different, while at the same time my parents are somewhat