Personal Narrative: Moving To America

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I can remember it like it was yesterday. My parents left me when I was fifteen years old to go to America. I thought to myself for one year, they left me here to starve, live, and die alone in eastern Europe. When I was sixteen years old I got ready to move to America and start a new life. I thought to myself I wonder if my parents are dead or alive. They really didn't mean anything to me anymore anyways. The next day I boarded the ship and went to the steerage room, their were thousands of people in there. Then, I started to really think, I'll be in America in the next year. Days past by, people are dying! Many are puking it smells like a humongous pot of vomit. The only way I could get fresh air in the night was to shove my lips through a tiny whole on the ship. I was grateful not to have a disease yet. I prayed to God every day for how much I thank him for letting me stay healthy and have the privilege to even go to America. …show more content…

At the beginning their were three thousand people in the steerage room, but now their was only one thousand nine hundred fifty. By just riding this ship for three months, it changed my life