Personal Narrative: My Child With ADHD

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Throughout this stage and age I have been told time and time again that I was the worst child to deal with out of all my siblings. Since I was very hyper active going up they saw more indictors of ADHD so they ended up putting me on medication. I would refuse to take this medication mainly because pills freaked me out. When I refused to take the pill they gave me something else to try that was almost like a power substance to mix with my food so I didn’t have to take the pill, I would still refuse to take it. This was also around the time that my parents were separating and my dad moved out of the house, leaving my mom to be a single parent. The doctors said that my parents separating could also be the reason why I am behaving in this way to maybe …show more content…

I would purposely act like I am crying just so I could get my older sister in trouble. My mom told me this story where I was asking for a toy and she said no, I did not take that no so well. I held up a cup of juice and said if she wouldn’t get it for me I would spill my drink. Well the drink ended up on the carpet because she refused to get me this toy. Personally it seemed that I loved to get any kind of attention from my parents and I would do whatever it would take to see any type of attention, I even liked attention from my sister. My favorite thing to do when I was at home was to play with my Barbie’s and my sister and I would play hide and go seek and make up random games. The one time we decided to make up our own game we were playing with a ball and I ran up to be the first to grab it and my sister was also at the same time trying to grab it. When she slid in to get the ball from me her knee went into my collar bone and broke it. I was probably the worst pain I felt but because I would cry over anything everyone thought I was just faking it but I could not raise up my arm at all, it was